ADV-10K: ADVAD Instructions:


Eight Step: You may now be ready to make a placement in ADVAD from FOG tabulation score-sheets that you developed earlier. Find and coordinate the colored numerals and letters that you plan on using with the appropriate spot on ADVAD.

Place your FOG resultant score sheet studies in the ADVAD associated category-level that are the same as the FOG tabulated resultants. This placement is in respect to the continued development of studies with FOG that is created at field-level-catgrid entry.

The placement on ADVAD creates a structured environment to place category-level constructions relative to field-level-catgrid developments from a finished score sheet.

The placement on ADVAD creates a completed “standard reference point” to compare individual development of the additional category-level and future conclusions from field-level-catgrid considerations.


Important:  These standard reference points in SAM development scheme make an attempt to establish effective communication. The additional FOG tabulated score sheet findings create a category-level placement that relate to additional standard reference points. These ideas relate to each other by the colors, numerical and letters associated in the construction of your example standard reference points and relational values.

In completion of a study project the standard reference points could ultimately upon completion create the denominational-church category level construction. The total of the seven categorical findings make a denominational-church type within the truth in action category as it relates to the entire church bride.