Law: The Word


Category 7

Law: The Written Word

The Bible is God's communication standard that accurately depicts the nature of the Trinity and His church; The Bible reveals the Holy Spirit and His law to us.

Law:  The Written Word:  New Testament passages that deal with:

(1) The New Testament concept of knowledge and the foundation of an effective communication standard in a Christian community,

(2) The New Testament and Holy Spirit as they make foundational written personal and socially applicable truths to the denominational-church.

In this example category we explore the written word as a communication standard.  We will examine the written word values and form a main category from the written word considerations.  In this example we form the basis for a main category strictly from word values;  and when any Holy Spiritual considerations are discovered within the written Word, they will be held closely to the New Testament written word values. 


Observation:  The consideration for the Law of the written Word category will be different than constructions developed from the Versus category.  As the Versus Category can develop ideas from any perspective.  In this law of the written word category we will assume that the control element for the category development will be held closely to the written Word.


There is descriptive activity in the law of the written Word category that depicts interaction in the personal, salvation and social category involvement in the denominational-church and entire church in action categories. The law category can be viewed as defining the foundational elements of each of the other main categories. 


The law category primarily supports the binding of, making relevant of and communicating clearly of the written Word concepts to the personal, salvation and social categories for use in the example denominational-church and truth in action categories.


The law category can be used for comparing established main categories and displaying their related or shared New Testament knowledge. The law category is a realistic category in that it is descriptive (attempts to solely use the written Word) in making cognitive the church experience without direct consideration for extra curricular Holy Spirit influence on any of the example main category constructions. The written Word  forms a rationale for involvement in each example category by the implied statements in the written Word. 


Observation:  Also from the viewpoint of a well-constructed model, the foundational aspects of an example law category create a basis for strengthening and communicating denominational-church considerations to the local church and its ministry development.  As a result of a construction, the Law of the written Word category should involve the denominational-church in the process of effective communications.


Observation:  The constructions of the Law of the written Word category should tie relational aspects of the personal, social and salvation sequence together. The law category is very useful as a control element in denominational-church category constructs.  But it seems that for personal and social concerns it has the most impact. It is the congregant who transacts the business of their local church as directed in their belief in the Holy Spirit's guidance to them. The Law of the written Word provides the concrete source to develop a foundation for a denominational church to broaden, deepen and communicate its ministerial purposes.

Note: The Bible is instrumental in forming considerations for every example category in ADVAD/SAM project because the law of the written Word is God’s law to us; As a written document it forms a working communication standard; but to spiritual believers in Christ, it was also delivered to us via the Holy Spirit.

Simply put: At this category we compare written Word relationships. This forms the process of information gathering to construct any category; and as a by-product creates foundational and structural statements for the denominational-church category. This can be depicted in SAM constructions.