Cat7-D7: Law: The Word
Note: The New Testament knowledge is God’s New Covenant brought about by Jesus Christ. God resurrected Jesus Christ from death. God gave Christians a Holy Spirit comforter with the free gift in salvation by His grace. The New Covenant is the Trinity’s law delivered by Holy Spirit in word symbols. As Christians we accept this relationship of ideas as truth thru our belief in Christ Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. This relationship Christians have is considered an interrelation between God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Note: The New Covenant should be understood as not only law of the written Word; The New Covenant law is spiritual. It is additionally something more than Old Testament in that the spiritual nature of the law is revealed. This spiritual addition is fulfillment of prophetic statements in Old Testament law. The passages throughout the New Covenant reveal a Holy Spirit (Law) that will yield a direction in our personal-social life that is not written. God’s direction to us is specific to each person. Yet this unseen Holy Spirit (Law) is relative to the New Testament foundational word symbols. This unseen Holy Spirit direction in our lives does not teach us to live outside the New Testament foundational statements. The Holy Spirit teaches us to form our considerations to protect our purposes to complete the tasks God has for each of us in our denominational-church and entire church.
Note: A witness with the Comforter (Holy Spirit, Helper) will answer questions for Christians who are seeking to do Trinity’s will. This involvement with the Comforter when developed should depict involvement with salvation-sanctification-perfection at personal and social categories within the entire church in respect to the law of the Word presented in Bible by the Trinity.
Note: The New Covenant should be understood as not only law of the written Word; The New Covenant law is spiritual. It is additionally something more than Old Testament in that the spiritual nature of the law is revealed. This spiritual addition is fulfillment of prophetic statements in Old Testament law. The passages throughout the New Covenant reveal a Holy Spirit (Law) that will yield a direction in our personal-social life that is not written. God’s direction to us is specific to each person. Yet this unseen Holy Spirit (Law) is relative to the New Testament foundational word symbols. This unseen Holy Spirit direction in our lives does not teach us to live outside the New Testament foundational statements. The Holy Spirit teaches us to form our considerations to protect our purposes to complete the tasks God has for each of us in our denominational-church and entire church.
Note: A witness with the Comforter (Holy Spirit, Helper) will answer questions for Christians who are seeking to do Trinity’s will. This involvement with the Comforter when developed should depict involvement with salvation-sanctification-perfection at personal and social categories within the entire church in respect to the law of the Word presented in Bible by the Trinity.