ADV-11L: ADVAD Instructions: Conclusion FOG ScoreSheet and Field-Level-Catgrid


Additional Comments:

Observation: Please recognize an interest you may have in the verse card “orderings” chosen for study in regard to a Christian rational. You may see a development of an idea with several of the verse card “orderings.”

It is suggested that you now read the rest of the pertinent instructional guide notes on ADVAD/SAM project before you attempt tabulation of the color and alphanumerical sequencing from the short form code on each of the book, chapter, verses used in your FOG field-level-catgrid score-sheet and FOG tabulation score-sheets that form a category. 

The field-level-catgrid score-sheets are for your construction of ideas. The resultant FOG tabulation score-sheets are for use in developing additional notation on your study. This would be a way to develop notation to deepen a specific study or begin structuring an understanding of a different category development and placement within a category and/or denominational-church construction.