Cat2-D2: Note & Observations

Note: Additional support from direct exacting Old Testament passages can be added when initial constructions have been formed.

Observation: When grouping New Testament passages for defining a church-denominational concept in a subset field-level-catgrid organization, there is a concern over the quality in the orderings.

Observation: As a result of the construction efforts, a by-product of study recognizes the coordinating reference points of construct concepts shared within subset field-level-catgrid organization and seven accumulated main categories in a denominational-church construction. Ultimately the point by point references (constructs) help portray the accumulated line of descriptive activity as "active momentum" in the purposeful direction of the denominational-church fully developed by study participant.

Observation: There is characteristically as a by-product of study project a purposeful overview which can be depicted in a three "dimensional overlay" of short form code notations of the varied constructs in FOG resultant score sheets; These overlay forms are represented by clear plastic pages as a representation of the short form code and FOG resultant sheets restated on the overlay form.

This dimensional overlay can also be represented as paged overlays in computer presentation programs.

The interlocking or point for point constructed quality within the passages being studied for that denominational-church purpose brings a dimensional overlay into play that can be used in relating to other main categories or denominational constructions.

The three dimensional quality of the overlay is more aptly utilized in systematic analysis of another system. It is really not needed in individual participant development of foundational ideas or conceptualization of a main category or denominational church.

I think that the dimensional overlay is most suited for depicting in graphic form the integration of different denominational-churches and reliance upon each other to serve the entire church.

Observation: These constructions can be done respective of the present status in an existing denominational-church conceptualization and its current descriptive activity. The descriptive activity forms a figurative definition of a “lifeline” within a denominational-church structure and its relationship to entire church. This lifeline theoretically would be inclusive of a description for making the denominational-church structure consistent and purposeful to fulfilling its church charter.

I believe it is important to make the church more understandable and relevant to the participant at the personal and social level of interaction within the denominational-church.